Sunday, July 8, 2018

July 2018 - a crazy month

So it's July 8 and already there's been so much going on. July 3 was the final Warped Tour. We (me, Jen, Boo) got up so early and headed out to Hollywood Casino Amphitheater. We were in a position that as luck had it, we were the first ones in. We cruised to find the lineups for the day and headed to the Mutant Stage sections (red/white). The white one is where we planted ourselves. Sharptooth was up first and I was excited to see a band with a female lead. Then it fell flat for me. I feel that if you use your platform to get out your feelings -yay. By any and all means, heal yourself. For me - this 'me too' movement is simply a male bashing agenda removing due process is disgusting. I'm all for equality. Of sexes, gender identities, orientations, etc. But the very second it takes an unjust and un-American turn - I'm irritated. So to see this ...what I feel was male bashing and feeling of a forceful pro Queer rant. I tuned out. It wore me thin and then just had this taste of nasty in my mouth. I was anxious for it to be over. Forceful acceptance is what turns many people off. I feel if you live life as you wish and be respectful of dissenting opinions and have meaningful conversations you could alter the dialogue. Seemingly forcing it down someone's throat is not okay. So when they were done - I was elated.

Chelsea Grin was next and their set was great. THEN it was our boys Ice Nine Kills. They killed as we knew they would but all of us were all exhausted right then. We sought shade and rested for a bit before our real real real loves came on and then we assumed our front row right side space for Motionless in White. It was hot and the crowd was so large but we gave it our all and so did they. It was perfect but with that, we were done. We'd had plans to see more bands but exhaustion set in and we left.

The 4th was miserable because Bronson is so deathly afraid of fireworks.

Yesterday - July 7 I got a phone call from 104.9 and they said I'd won front row for Evanescence. At first I thought I'd just sell them but I was super excited of the thought of going as it was an orchestra backed show. So I got ready and we headed there. At first I was ok if I missed the opener I'd thought. I'd never heard of Lindsey Stirling but from the moment she stepped on stage, I was impressed. She's a beautiful artist and performer. Amy Lee came out for one song and just seeing her I was unexpectedly overcome with emotions. She's a soul with a voice that transforms life for even a moment. Lindsey was amazing. Evanescence/Amy Lee was phenomenal. Just breath taking to watch and hear. I'm in awe of artists who can be better live than on studio produced & mastered recordings. But she was everything anyone could've expected and then some. I sit here today glad I didn't sell the tickets. I do enjoy winning things but this win really touched me in so may ways. And I needed this right now.

On the 13th I go to the regular doctor but on the 16th I go to the rheumatologist and I'm afraid to be honest. I've read up on this for months now and I'm just preparing myself for the worst. I sort of want to hear the reality of this shit I'm up against. Will this be what eventually ends my life? Is it far off? I increased my life insurance because I'm just nervous. Who will love Jen, the kids, Heather and Bronson if I'm gone sooner than later? It's so scary but I guess that's life. We don't know when it is and it's better that way I suppose. I don't want to be morbid but I want to be as real with myself as I can.

Between the two doctors appointments we (me, Jen, Boo) are going to see Zombie/Manson on the 14th. I'm sure it will be awesome-ish. I haven't seen Manson without Twiggy so it's bitter for me. Zombie makes the Boo so happy so I'm excited to be there with her. I hope it's a blast. ♥


So my calendar says:

April 5th a big group of us went to the Shake Shack and headed to see A Quiet Place. Both were fun times with good friends. I loved it. I tried to set up subsequent dinner & movies but unsuccessfully. What did come from it though was a friendship with Meg that I can feel is such a lifelong friend. So, totally worth it. On the 21st Cliff, Shannon and Andrew came up and went to Stacie's wedding the 20th. My car was dying out and getting there safely didn't seem possible. On Saturday we went to Chuck E Cheese's and had such a great time. It was good to seem him having so much fun and I loved being there with them. Toward the end of the month we finally saw Black Panther and I loved, loved, loved it. I wasn't supposed to be rooting for Killmonger but I enjoyed Michael B Jordan's portrayal. Great work all around. Danai was brilliant as always.

May - On the 4th I went with my Boo Heather to see U2. They did such a great job and the Boo was happy. To see her happy makes my day every time. It's rare to have such a best friend for so long. May 12 we went with Boo to see Pointfest. Candlebox was really good. The reboot of Stone Temple Pilots was interesting. Shinedown was the surprise of the night for me because I thoroughly enjoyed their set. The night wrapped with the reboot of Alice In Chains. It meant a lot to me to be there for Heather and watch her experience bands she'd loved so much. It was a great night.

The 18th was going to be dinner and a movie with Deadpool 2 but absolutely everyone backed out. It made me so sad but eventually just Jen and I went. It kicked ass so I was over it. May 25 me, Jen and Heather Boo went to see Ghost. I remember I was excited to get tickets and get row X cause I felt it was kinda cool to get seats where we'd be able to see the whole show but if I could go back I'd have gotten us closer but I felt the show was amazing minus being farther away than anyone of us wanted to be. I feel like I let them down by getting tickets that far away, but we had a good time.

June ended fairly awesomely. On the 22nd we went to dinner with Meg at Twisted Ranch. The food was delicious and then we headed to see Jurassic World 2. It was a good watch but too heart breaking when the brontosaurus crumbles into his death. I'll never again watch it but I'm glad I saw it because I love the franchise.